Friday, December 2, 2011


     So, in ALL of my previous relationships, I've always been the one to PMS worst than my partner. I mean, there had been times where my girlfriend was the one having it worst than me (but that's once in a blue moon). I'm always the most hormonal one in the relationship -__-. The worst of it all is when you have the same cycle and you both PMS and go at it like 2 pitbulls!! But man, oh man!! My girlfriend on her cycle this month?? Let me tell you!! First, she was like this:

And then...............

     YAH! That shit was insane!! SMH. 
But today is a good day, cuz I think it's finally all over!!
I think....

Hello December!

Last chance to end this year on a better note!!

December, please be good to me. :)


LOVE is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and  all fear of an end.