2011. BYYYE! lol..This new year has been soooooo full of blessings so far! I'm livin', I'm healthy, and I'm surrounded with great people in my life. Just the right people to keep me smilin', keep me on track, and keep my life drama-free. It feels amazing! I've also made alot of changes in my life. A lot of personal changes. I've been channeling more into my spiritual side and have really been trying to focus more in my relationship with
RC and working more towards on building a strong foundation together. We are still in a long distance relationship and this month will make it our 5th month together. Initially, I thought this whole LDR (long distance relationship) would be easy breezy. -WRONG! But I guess, I also didn't anticipate to get this serious with
RC so quick and so deeply.
But after lots and lots of money spent on airfare and hotels, thousands of minutes on the phone, and endless nights on Skype.....
RC will finally be moving here to Vegas. Yes!!! We just closed in on a 3-bedroom house this week and got the key today!! As of Valentine's Day weekend,
RC will be moved in OUR house together!! No more long distance. This is it! All day, everyday with each other. No more sleeping on Skype!! We get to both come home to each other like normal couples do lol. Aaaaahhh! I can't wait!!! lol. I must say that we have been so fortunate to have the opportunity to share such a wonderful experience together with going from meeting in such a hopeless place/source, to getting where we are now and making all of our plans happen one-by-one. It's such an amazing feeling to accomplish something that seems so surreal, but yet is as real as it can get. The feeling is so indescribable, but all I know is that I'm happy. I'm in love with someone so beautiful. Inside and out. There's so much to look forward to this year. I have worked so hard to turn my life around for the better and there's no one or nothing that can ever make me look back and turn around. I have my whole future ahead of me.