SUCKS!!!! My girlfriend and I have definitely made the best out of our long distance relationship. And when I say the BEST of it... meaning everything from watching a movie together (while on the phone), talking and texting all day long, exchanging pictures, and even sleeping on the phone. Grr! It's going on 2 weeks since I last saw her. I won't see her again 'till the end of this month for Halloween and then not 'till Thanksgiving after that. Blah!
And I'm sure ya'll are wondering how everything went during her visit down here for the very first time. Well....it was UGHMAZIING!! It definitely made it harder to be back on the phone texting/talking again once she left, but that's a long distance relationship for you I guess. She got to meet a few of my closest friends with the exception of the few that couldn't make it out. Ummm, we drank...A LOT!! lol.. Had a lot of things we planned that didn't get to do, errrr forgot to do or forgot we did?!?! 0_o But overall, it was an awesome NEW & OUT OF THE ORDINARY experience.
What I have with
RC is something different. She makes me feel brand new. The feeling she brings out of me is indescribable. I don't ever feel pressured with her or as if I'm walking on eggshells. And as far in distance and complicated as this relationship has been... I just want more and more of it. This is gonna sound super gay, but I feel like I'm stuck in a maze with her. Not really knowing which way to go or not seeing what lies ahead or what's coming next. All that really matters is we're in this maze TOGETHER. And the most a[maze]ing part about all of it, is we want to stay lost in it for as long as we possibly can. Aww.. that's gay huh?!? Hahaha #truestory tho.
-Life is nothing without love, love is nothing without hope, hope is knowing you'll be there everyday.