Thursday, September 1, 2011

Nothing Even Matters

You're perfect in my eyes. In the Bible it says love doesn't see flaws and doesn't stick with problems, but moves past them and doesn't look back. I'm not trippin' about any problems we might encounter. And I see no flaws in you... -RC

Song of the Day

"Loving you i like a song I replay,
Every three minutes and thirty seconds of everyday.
And every chorus was written for us to recite,
Every beautiful melody of devotion every night.

And every word, and every second, and every third,
Expresses the happiness more clearly than ever heard."

Something for the soul...

"Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin,
would look on me with love, and watch me rise again.
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea,
would call out through the rain, and calm the storm in me."


Live without pretending//Love without depending//Listen without defending//Speak without offending.

I Beg Your Pardon?!

     So, last time I checked before I seriously started talking to "RC",...I was SINGLE. Yes, single! As in I wasn't committed to anyone nor was I obligated to be with someone. As most of you know, my break-up took a big emotional toll on me. But I got over that shit and moved the fuck on! LOL Anyway, let's not talk about the past. Well, as I was saying... SINGLE! I met some new cool people and when I decided I was ready to start dating, I made myself  more open into actually talking to them, both to my new and old friends/admirers (or whatever you want to call it).
     First off, let me just say that I'm nice to EVERYONE I meet. I'm nice to everyone in general, unless you give me reasons not to. I talk to everyone pretty much on the same level... and that is the friendship level. if we hit off as friends, cool. If not... then BYE! And if we hit it off on more than a friendship level then GREAT! Here's my problem tho, if you're going to talk to me.... just be fucking honest! If there's something you see that is bugging you, or if there's something you don't like that you think you need to ask me about, SAY SOMETHING. Number one, I'm not a mind reader. And number two, how would I know how you're feeling if you don't tell me?!?! I'm coming out of a 2yr relationship. Getting over a very emotional break-up on my behalf, and I made it crystal clear to EVERYONE that I will be dating. So for a solid 2mos now, my dating/love life has been an open book.
      I did talk to a few that I hit it off with on more than a friendship level. But, it's kind of upsetting tho, that all of a sudden I'm being made out to be this "player". First off, to the ones who claimed I never put forth any effort into taking our friendship a step further, well there was a reason, no..there were reasonssss for that. Hence, me not really making any effort into taking it a step further.. SMH. To the ones that had me before whom are so quick to judge or throw your opinions on the decisions I'm making now....DON'T! Just go away!! A relationship/dating/life advice is the last thing I need to hear from ya'll! Hahaha.. And to the ones that took my kindness as a wrong signal that lead you to expect something more than what wasn't..I'm sorry, but that's not my fault. How you take what I give you is all on you. I can't babysit your emotions. You read my social media, you see the pics on my blog, you text me on a casual level. If you've  ever wondered and really wanted to know what was really up, or how I felt about you and blah blah blah then guess fucking what!?! ALL YA HAD TA DO WAS ASK! SMH!
     So yeah...just needed to throw that out there. I'm down to chill and hang as long as you know your position with me and vice versa, and you don't do anything to disrespect my wishes. But other than that..if that is something that we can't make happen, then good riddance to ya! :) I'm trying to enjoy life and either you want to be apart of it or not. At the end of the goes on and so will I.

Never mistake motion for action. -Ernest Hemingway